
The #1 community for Gun Owners in Texas

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    1. evillgenius75

      Recent Texas Resident

      I have been searching all over and the requisite laws a really foggy in their description. Here is my scenario: I recently moved from Florida to Texas. I now own a house, have my Texas DL (So I had to surrender my FL DL), my cars are tagged in Texas, so by all accounts I am a Texan (I know, not...
    2. L

      Reciprocity question

      Good morning, I have a 25 year old felony that falls under Title 5 that has been sealed by an order of the court. I have never had any issues purchasing a firearm. I wasn't sure if Texas would allow me to have a LTC so I ended up getting one from Arizona and Florida. Am I safe to carry in...
    3. I

      Thoughts on Taurus PT111 Millenium G2

      Having had only revolvers for home SD I recently applied for my LTC (oh the waiting game). I picked up a Ruger LCP to carry but wanted to consider a 9MM as another option. Browsing Bud's Gun Shop I stumbled across a Taurus PT111 Millenium G2 for $210. I haven't given the brand or the gun much...
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