Economize build your own AR15 or factory complete by comparison

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  • TexasGuns

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    May 28, 2008
    La Porte,Texas USA
    Has anyone built a complete AR15 rifle for less than seven bills? How would you rate it, dependability and accuracy wise as compared to a factory complete name brand AR15?

    jim t

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    Mar 4, 2008
    Hawley Texas
    yes I have built one from scratch, with the help of a friend who is very good with ARs. I cant find anything wrong with it myself. it shoots great I have had no issues with it and it is the most accurate gun I have ever owned. never took a shot at 250 yards before and can hit the six inch gong at the range 4 out of 5 times in a 20 miles an hour wind. i love this gun. :p the only thing I dont like about it is the scope is to weak for me to see much past that. i am now looking for a better scope, I am ready to try some longer shooting.

    jim t

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    Mar 4, 2008
    Hawley Texas
    oh I am sorry, I forgot to say that the barrel was a bushmaster, the furniture was bushmaster, the upper I dont have a clue I bought it from an individual, it was new. the lower was an essential arms and the bolt carrier was a colt. all of the parts were bought from people, no gun shops involved. and it cost me less than 500 dollars. and I want another one too


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    May 28, 2008
    La Porte,Texas USA
    oh I am sorry, I forgot to say that the barrel was a bushmaster, the furniture was bushmaster, the upper I dont have a clue I bought it from an individual, it was new. the lower was an essential arms and the bolt carrier was a colt. all of the parts were bought from people, no gun shops involved. and it cost me less than 500 dollars. and I want another one too

    Less than $500 invested, what a deal! Wanting another "one" could be symptoms of the Black Rifle Bug bite. I think you have been bitten.:D


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    I built mine for less than $700. I bought a Del-ton 16" mid-length kit for $465, maybe $480 shipped. Then I bought a stripped lower receiver locally for $120 out the door. Add a $15 magazine and you're ready to go shooting. For plinking at the range, the quality is great. If I were one of those guys that kick doors down in the sandbox and my life depended on my rifle, it would be a different story.
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    Apr 14, 2008
    Del-ton is a good place to get stuff to put together your AR's. It can't get much easier and cheaper than this.

    Here is a kit with everything except the stripped lower. It is $465.00 configured this way... or you can change some stuff right online.

    "16" light weight rifle kit comes with everything needed to complete a stripped lower receiver.
    Includes fully assembled, headspaced and test fired upper receiver, lower parts kit and buttstock.
    Rifle kit does not include stripped lower."

    Stripped lowers can be found here...

    So, $465.00(kit) + $78.95(Lower) + $30.00 (Transfer Fee) = $575.00.

    Or... replace the standard trigger pack with a RRA 2 stage and replace the barrel with a chrome lined light weight and the final price is $699.00.;)

    The ones I have assembled seem to be as reliable as the factory Colts and Bushmaster I have owned.


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    May 28, 2008
    La Porte,Texas USA
    So everyone who wants to build for under $600, can. Thanks Tx Armadillo for the info. I think I will be looking for an upper. I already want to build another one!

    Save your BRASS. You can recycle for $$$. :D


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    Feb 29, 2008
    I built mine for about $700, but I initially had some loaner parts from a buddy. Total cost is now closer to $1000.


    Initial build. Rear sight, telestock, Hogue pistol grip, and cheap sling were courtesy a friend


    A little closer to what it looks like now. It's sporting a 3-9x scope nowadays.


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    Mar 20, 2008
    San Antonio
    This thread has really got me itch'n to build an AR. Dose anyone know a good place in the SA area to find a lower. I really don't like going trough FFL's, esp when mines transfer fee is half of the price of the lower.


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    Mar 5, 2008
    Far, far, far North Dallas
    Idle: that's close to what I'm looking for. I have a RRA complete lower I aquired through some horse trading after winning a raffle. Hope to find someone at Market Hall this weekend with some complete uppers.

    An old fashioned A2 would be nice.


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    May 28, 2008
    La Porte,Texas USA
    A2 upper

    Idle: that's close to what I'm looking for. I have a RRA complete lower I aquired through some horse trading after winning a raffle. Hope to find someone at Market Hall this weekend with some complete uppers.

    An old fashioned A2 would be nice.

    I agree 'good ole' A2 for my lower too, of course I want the A2 rear sights!

    jim t

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    Mar 4, 2008
    Hawley Texas
    I posted up about the build I did earlier in the postings here but didnt know how to post a picture so here is a picture of my home built AR.


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    Jun 17, 2008
    Houston, TX
    Talon Arms is bringing in a "build your own" kit next week.
    It will consist of a complete M4 type upper, lower parts kit, adj stock and a mag for $550. Pick up a lower for $120 or so and you can have a complete rifle for $670 plus tax.

    The upper is a CMMG 1/9 16" M4 profile with the CMMG WASP coating. A 16" 1/9 HBAR and a 16" 1/7 Bull Barrel is also available by request.

    Of course, other options are available for an additional cost.

    Call me if you have questions:
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