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  • SIG_Fiend

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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Okay everyone. Something was recently brought to my attention. Some people over on Arfcom are working on getting a grassroots "movement" going to protect our 2A rights. It's spreading like wildfire to other forums, and there are already a large number of people on board from around the country. Here's the thread for reference (big thanks to Rodbender for bringing this to our attention):

    AR15.COM :: Forums :: Wanna stop a future AWB? Then get your butt in here now!

    Alan and I have both pledged our participation in this venture. Right now it is only in the initial planning stages, so details are still sketchy at this point. It is my understanding that a website/forum is currently in the planning stages, a specific name for the group is still being determined, and an outline of some of the general goals is being organized I believe. I'm not really sure exactly what to call it at the moment, so I will just refer to it as "the movement". ;) Basically, the intended purpose of this movement is to tie all gun/enthusiast forums, 2A rights groups (NRA, GOA, JPFO, etc), people from the firearms industry, and any/every other person we can all into one cohesive group. One extremely great thing about this movement is people are starting to see that we really have to change tactics on the anti's and start adopting their approaches to things. Doing so would be sort of "guerrilla" activism if you think about it. ;) We NEED to start taking advantage of all of the modern media and alternative media available to us today (Youtube, Myspace, blogs, Facebook, etc etc), and we need to appeal to people's emotions. The average person in this country is so inundated with negative sentiments towards firearms because the media is so saturated with them every single day. WE need to start saturating everything with positive sentiments and start educating people so they are able to see the facts.

    The one major factor that I think is overlooked too often is the percentage of firearms owners that even participate in doing something (no matter how small) to protect their 2A rights. According to the NRA there were roughly ~80 million gun owners in this country as of last year I believe. Out of those 80 million, we have approximately 4.3 million members in the NRA, and I'm not sure how many in the other 2A rights groups out there. We need to drastically increase the level of participation gun owners are taking in protecting their 2A rights. If we can all just starting working together, just think about it! Roughly 80 million people is a serious force to be reckoned with. The mass mail campaigns to politicians, massive protests that could be held, etc etc.......it would make any other activist group pale in comparison. We can do it people! All we have to do is work together. All it takes is an hour here and there for a protest, 20 minutes here and there for a letter to your senator, etc etc. Many of us already do these things, however the real key here is getting large groups of us working together and on the same page. One or two people doing their own thing doesn't have nearly the same effect that a massive group can. Just think about that one letter some of you right to your senator or representative. Now what if there were 1,000, 5,000, or even 10,000 letters right behind that one! Things like that really stand out and can make a big difference.

    Long story short, I would really like to see a lot of support from our member base. It's everyone's decision of course. This being such a big state, it would really help if we could have people in at least every major city that are willing to participate in mailing campaigns, protests, etc etc. What we will also need is one person on this forum that will serve as a representative for the entire forum to this "movement". It is my understanding that representatives will be the primary ones involved with this group, and then they will inform the constituents of their respective forum, 2A rights group, etc on the current plan of action, tasks that need to be done, etc etc. It makes much more sense that way because things would be considerably more convoluted if you had say 1+million people on a single forum, and everyone has a different opinion about how to get the job done. ;) Currently, I have considered being this representative, however with my current schedule I'm not quite sure if that would be fair to everyone as I haven't had much free time lately and I definitely don't have time to travel around much either. If anyone is interested, please chime in or feel free to PM/email me and let me know. Lets get the ball rolling people and lets start making our great state and our country proud!


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    One of the proposed aspects, to this movement, that really stands out to me is the "marketing" approach to society. If you really think about it, technically all of the 2A rights groups out there really don't do the greatest job of marketing to people that aren't gun owners. Sure, they do a great job of marketing to existing gun owners. Though with all of the negative connotations the media has put on firearms, the "marketing" that 2A groups like the NRA do really doesn't get through to many of these people. In fact just the three letters NRA have developed negative connotations in the media over the past several years. You always here reporters mention the NRA with disdain. I say this not to demean any efforts that organizations like the NRA have made. No I say this because I think we need to go about it in a different manner. We really have to look at it as "marketing" and we have to pay close attention to what we say, how we say it, specific words that are used, etc etc. Considering that ALL of the facts are on our side and we still aren't doing that great, that really says a lot about how effective our tactics are. We are fighting against years and years worth of programming from the major media, politicians, academia, etc....all of which can culminate into irrational emotions directed towards inanimate objects. Facts alone obviously can't get the job done, and I think we need to be conscious of that in our approaches. Lets get the ball rolling and start brainstorming ideas for things we can do right here in our own state.


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    Nov 3, 2008
    Irving, TX
    Sounds Good

    I love the smell of Political Dissent in the morning.
    Actually any time will do really, it just warms my heart.

    It is times like this I ask myself WWGeorge WashingtonD?:patriot:


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    Nov 3, 2008
    Irving, TX
    No sillyness this time ...

    I'll share a little story with you folk. I am sure the meaning will not be lost here and it is a perfect example of why 2A is needed in this country.

    In the wake of Katrina I had a lot of family whom not only had to deal with the destruction of their homes but the lack of assistance and compassion from our government in dealing with the aftermath. Most of them are gun owners, but only a couple stayed to ride the storm out. Their main concern was protection of property after the storm. God bless them for their diligence and mild insanity.

    Now lets jump ahead about a year after the storm. Folk are returning home and beginning to try and rebuild their lives as best they can. An uncle of mine works for a “Home Improvement” store that will remain unnamed. He saw many people each day and all with a very sad story to tell. I do not envy him having to hear them, but it did bring me this bit am am about to share.

    One day sitting at his desk designing a new kitchen for a gentlemen they begin to talk about how bad it was after the storm, Armed looters and other bad seeds shooting at police as well as rescue workers. The gentlemen then showed his true colors by stating (keep in mind this was one of the nuts that stayed) that if there was more gun control, things like that would not have happened. That he was not a gun owner and never would be. To which my uncle politely began to confront this guy with hard logic.

    He asked if this gentlemen had stayed during the storm, the answer was yes. He then asked if there was a police presence after the storm, the answer was no.
    He asked then if his neighbors where gun owners and if they were home, the answer was of course yes.
    He then inquired as to how safe the gentlemen felt being at home with no police to call for help, he said he felt safe and secure despite the devastation and apparent lawlessness at the time.
    My uncle then politely ask what was the problem with gun ownership.
    The answer was, “ Well I never had looked at it quite like that, I guess I was rather lucky my neighbors where home.”

    Now if that is not a clear case of “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. “ I just do not know what is.

    I am sure I am not the only person who has a story to tell that validates our stance. These are the types of messages I believe we need to get across to non gun owners.
    Not as a propaganda campaign but as simple truths about who we are and what we believe in. No religion, no politics, just life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are all our own persons.
    We each have our own faiths and beliefs all "protected".
    We need non gun owners to see that A2 is just as important and freedom of the press and freedom of religion.
    After all, without A2 what guarantees do we have that those will not be the next to go?
    If left to their own devices our government will have all our liberties striped from us.
    It is time we took back what is ours by right of the blood spilled so long ago to liberate us as a nation.

    So yeah, I'm in.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Another thing we really have to get the whole gun community doing is speaking and writing in a very short and concise manner so as to connect immediately with the anti's emotions. They adopt this technique and have been incredibly successful. I have a habit of typing novels and can drag on for a long time when talking. I think it would really help our cause if, when confronting anti's, to start using short and concise responses like:

    -"Gun control is racist, classist, and sexist"
    -"Why are you so against civil rights"
    -"How will women and disabled people defend themselves against big, strong attackers"
    -"Why do you have such a problem with people defending themselves"

    I like the facts and I don't like the idea of manipulating people by emotion, however the good thing is we would be doing it for good reasons as we just don't want people to be victims anymore.

    Another thing is while using the aforementioned tactics, we also need to make it a habit to repeat certain key words, and make sure to absolutely not use certain words (use rifle, semi-auto, recreational rifle instead of assault rifle). Even just a simple word can be powerful enough to poison people to your message, or get them emotionally attached to it. The key here is to repeat, repeat, repeat......and all of us repeating these things around the country, eventually WE can saturate the media and start changing public opinion.


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    Sep 21, 2008
    I like the idea, but would like to suggest that in order to truly take the offense on this we need to draft a bill and then get it introduced into congress. This will put the antis on the defense and even if it doesnt get through it will have brought our ideas to the public and will show the hyprocy on the left.

    also ive always like the saying "Second Ammendment, defender of the rest"


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    Oct 4, 2008
    Texas, of course...
    Another thing is while using the aforementioned tactics, we also need to make it a habit to repeat certain key words, and make sure to absolutely not use certain words (use rifle, semi-auto, recreational rifle instead of assault rifle). Even just a simple word can be powerful enough to poison people to your message, or get them emotionally attached to it. The key here is to repeat, repeat, repeat......and all of us repeating these things around the country, eventually WE can saturate the media and start changing public opini
    I read the article that discussed this in detail. It is extraordinarily important to know how to appeal to emotions vs. logic-at the leftist level. I am suggesting the term "utility rifle" for the incorrect and socially violent "assault rifle" term. When someone uses it, correct them and express that these guns, with their cosmetic features that differ from hunting rifles, have more uses-competition of at least two or three types, hunting, defense, recreational plinking (plinking is a good, accurate, inoffensive term that describes what most folks do with them, I think). I have heard people call them "sport utility rifles," but since SUVs are being blamed for ruining the planet, perhaps we should avoid words that sound like it.
    How about, even, "hybrid rifles." Silly, but correct and sounds better....almost like the hum of a Prius, no?


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    Jul 16, 2008
    I read the article that discussed this in detail. It is extraordinarily important to know how to appeal to emotions vs. logic-at the leftist level. I am suggesting the term "utility rifle" for the incorrect and socially violent "assault rifle" term. When someone uses it, correct them and express that these guns, with their cosmetic features that differ from hunting rifles, have more uses-competition of at least two or three types, hunting, defense, recreational plinking (plinking is a good, accurate, inoffensive term that describes what most folks do with them, I think). I have heard people call them "sport utility rifles," but since SUVs are being blamed for ruining the planet, perhaps we should avoid words that sound like it.
    How about, even, "hybrid rifles." Silly, but correct and sounds better....almost like the hum of a Prius, no?

    "Sporting rifles" is my suggestion, and what I use when talking to the Left, or uneducated.


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    Nov 11, 2008
    "Sporting rifles" is my suggestion, and what I use when talking to the Left, or uneducated.

    Semantics are one of the left's strongest weapons. They have always engaged in rhetoric warfare, so as mentioned above, we need to do the same. Sporting rifle is a great term! "Assault" rifle is really a misnomer, since any rifle (indeed, any weapon at all) can be used to assault. We need to get the emphasis back on the action rather than the implement, and setting the semantics straight is one step on that path, IMO.

    FWIW, I'm new here to the site, but I am hopeful that I can help in this endeavor. I am well read, educated on the issues, and extremely motivated about this particular topic.


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    Apr 10, 2008
    A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have." Gerald Ford in a Presidential address to a joint session of Congress (12 August 1974)

    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. Ronald Reagan - address to the annual meeting of the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, 1961.

    Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong. Ronald Reagan - acceptance speech at 1984 Republican National Convention.

    "We the people" tell the government what to do, it doesn't tell us. "We the people" are the driver, the government is the car. And we decide where it should go, and by what route, and how fast. Almost all the world's constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our Constitution is a document in which "We the people" tell the government what it is allowed to do. "We the people" are free. Ronald Reagan's farewell address, 1989.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Bump. People, we need someone to represent our forum and the state in general at RIGHTtoKeepAndBearArms.com Basically we need someone to act as a representative and to help organize local things such as protests, marches, mailing campaigns, etc. There is plenty of brainstorming going on at the RTKBA forum, and as ideas come out for local actions, they'll need a representative in the forum to act as a central hub for each respective state to filter the message down and get the ball rolling. It will take professionalism, organization, and a lot of perseverance to handle those responsibilities. I really don't have a whole lot of time to devote to this unfortunately due to my current job situation. I know someone is out there, that has the resolve and will to get the job done. I know at least one of you out there has just been itching to become more proactive in working to protect our 2A rights. Well here's your opportunity! I'm trying to be active on the RTKBA forum and keep up to date on new ideas, and I'll be glad to assist in setting up local events, protests, etc however I'm unfortunately not in a position to take the primary lead on this at the moment.


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    Aug 27, 2008
    Is it possible to send out a mass email to all TGT forum members whenever an event has been planned by this movement (protest, letter to congressman, etc.)? I do what I can when I confront stupidity in my day to day activities, but usually I'm too busy to be constantly checking if anything big has been planned.

    Major Woody

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    Sep 12, 2008
    About time we true Americans stood up for our rights by doing it with finesse. There's probably100 million of us all total in this country that legitamately own guns. Let's stand together or hang seperately. Here is a web site to help us do this:
    Politically Corrected_Glosssary of Terms or
    www.americanselfdefense.com/poltically_ corrected .asp
    It will teach you better terms just like they use to get our point across. Several other forums I frequent want to march on Washington with the message of preserving our American way of life. If only 20 million showed up the there it would make a statement [if we could get a permit] but we risk them calling it an insurrection. We must keep this nation free.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Okay, well I decided to be the rep for our forum. I'll be updating the forum with new ideas and proposed actions as I find out about them from the RTKBA site. One thing we are going to need though is plenty of people willing to participate. As of now, nothing has yet been organized and there is still a bunch of brainstorming going on about organizing some mass protests in DC as well as capitals around the country. I'm sure there will also be letter campaigns to senators, representatives, and the like as well as similar other activism related things. All I can say thus far is to get ready people. :) With the organizational power of the internet available to us this time, as opposed to 1993/1994, the next few years promise to be a very active year in activism to protect our rights. I'll keep you all up to date as things progress.
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