leather belts

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  • charlie-6

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    Mar 6, 2008
    central texas
    Who has a somewhat fast return on carry leather belt? surf for 2 days most of the belt makers won't answer their phones/e-mail the few that does are talking 12-16 weeks. :mad:


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    The Beltman (http://www.thebeltman.net/) cites 3 weeks from order to shipping. I have one that was ordered just over 2 weeks ago.

    We'll see how close they get. :D

    FWIW, I came across someone on 1911 that came into 3-4 Sparks belts. Paid less than half the cost of a new one, and when it came yesterday I was floored. He described it as good condition. It was brand new, never worn or even buckled. After wearing it for a few hours, I can easily see where I had it buckled so I know it was never worn.

    I was a happy guy....especially for the price and 2 day waiting period. :D

    Watch forums for sale sections etc.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    I still need to get a good gun belt, but I can't figure out what size to order. I'm afraid a 32" might actually be a bit too big, and a lot of companies don't even make anything smaller than a 34" :(


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    I still need to get a good gun belt, but I can't figure out what size to order. I'm afraid a 32" might actually be a bit too big, and a lot of companies don't even make anything smaller than a 34" :(

    Each belt maker has their own way of measuring. The Beltman follows up with an email stressing to check and recheck using their method giving you a chance to change the size if you don't have it right. Then they make size what you order.

    I'm about a 32" waist and all my regular belts are 34" and I generally use the 2 hole so I have plenty of growing room. I ordered the Beltman in a 35" which is what I came up with from their measuring method. I have a 36" Milt Sparks which is slightly too big although it works fine, just on the 1st or 2nd hole depending on what I'm wearing. I'll be limited in wearing that one without a gun and holster IWB though.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    Each belt maker has their own way of measuring. The Beltman follows up with an email stressing to check and recheck using their method giving you a chance to change the size if you don't have it right. Then they make size what you order.

    I'm about a 32" waist and all my regular belts are 34" and I generally use the 2 hole so I have plenty of growing room. I ordered the Beltman in a 35" which is what I came up with from their measuring method. I have a 36" Milt Sparks which is slightly too big although it works fine, just on the 1st or 2nd hole depending on what I'm wearing. I'll be limited in wearing that one without a gun and holster IWB though.

    I'm about a 29" waist, I'd probably be good with a 31. Did you get the insert on your Beltman belt?


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    No insert. I don't think they need it. If they are anything like Sparks, and they also use 2 layers of hide (stronger than one thicker one) it's plenty. I can't believe how well my all steel Kimber carries now.

    Most people I know that have ordered, usually end up 3" over their waist size. Keep in mind, you'll lose some belt length in the fact that it's stiffer and won't conform to your body like a regular belt will. So figure 1" in "overhead".

    I should know if the 3" over rule works when I get mine soon. Some say theirs come feeling a little smaller than you think they will. That may be because of the stiffness I mentioned.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    Measurement of correct belt length depends on the maker. Select a belt maker and contact him/her for the measurement method to be used. Most do NOT want to know what length belt you normally wear.

    A common measurement method is as follows:
    Pick a belt that fits you well wearing the holster and gun if possible. Note which belt hole you use. Remove the belt and measure from that belt hole to the point where belt rolls around the buckle. THAT is the length belt you order. They will make the belt so that this is the length to the middle hole on your belt. BUT NOT ALL MAKERS USE THIS METHOD SO BE SURE TO USE THE METHOD YOUR SELECTED BELT MAKER SPECIFIES!


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    Feb 29, 2008
    No insert. I don't think they need it. If they are anything like Sparks, and they also use 2 layers of hide (stronger than one thicker one) it's plenty. I can't believe how well my all steel Kimber carries now.

    Most people I know that have ordered, usually end up 3" over their waist size. Keep in mind, you'll lose some belt length in the fact that it's stiffer and won't conform to your body like a regular belt will. So figure 1" in "overhead".

    I should know if the 3" over rule works when I get mine soon. Some say theirs come feeling a little smaller than you think they will. That may be because of the stiffness I mentioned.

    Let me know if the 3" over works for you. I took a measurement from my old belt with my holster on and came to 31" but my old belt is so curved now that its kind of hard to measure. I may just order a 32" with 7 holes to be safe.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    Hmm, doing it that way puts me at a 33." I still may order a 32" since I don't even have a CHL yet.

    Got my Beltman today. Fantastic!!

    See my comments here http://www.texasguntalk.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6802&postcount=10

    If you measured a solid 33", I'd order a 33". Mine is perfect. It's got me in the middle of the holes vs in the 1st or 2nd with my normal belts which gives me the best fit for any pant I wear, carrying or not. I figured based on other belts, that It would be OK with a gun but to big without, and it's actually much better than my other ones.

    Just don't be afraid to go that extra inch that seems like it may be too much; they seem to fit perfectly.

    Army 1911

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    Mar 17, 2008
    Dallas Texas or so
    El Paso Saddlery makes a fine ranger belt. They say order 2 inches larger than a none carry belt. I guess thats for IWB. I have one in my normal size that works fine for OWB.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    Got my Beltman today. Fantastic!!

    See my comments here http://www.texasguntalk.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6802&postcount=10

    If you measured a solid 33", I'd order a 33". Mine is perfect. It's got me in the middle of the holes vs in the 1st or 2nd with my normal belts which gives me the best fit for any pant I wear, carrying or not. I figured based on other belts, that It would be OK with a gun but to big without, and it's actually much better than my other ones.

    Just don't be afraid to go that extra inch that seems like it may be too much; they seem to fit perfectly.

    Cool, thanks for the update! I'll have to go ahead and order one soon. :cool:


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    Hint, you can call and ask if they have anything in your size at discounted prices. :D

    The list they put in the box with mine had a black one that I was going to order at the same time, but waited until I knew the size would be right. When I was talking to him, they were swapping out the buckle for me and told me it turned out that the belt was a horsehide that he thinks he made to take pictures of and I got it for less than half price. Christmas in April for me.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    Hint, you can call and ask if they have anything in your size at discounted prices. :D

    The list they put in the box with mine had a black one that I was going to order at the same time, but waited until I knew the size would be right. When I was talking to him, they were swapping out the buckle for me and told me it turned out that the belt was a horsehide that he thinks he made to take pictures of and I got it for less than half price. Christmas in April for me.

    Now that you've had it for a little while, do you think its plenty stiff without the insert? I'm finally about to order one, but I want to make sure first.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    Yes, absolutely!!

    Even the 1 1/4 is. But the 1 1/2 definitely is.

    I also bought a Wilderness 5 stitch Original Instructors Belt (Frequent Flyer is the same but different buckle) and I think it'll be my #1 ultra casual (shorts and t-shirt) summer belt. Unlimited adjustment, comfortable and if I ever need to repel a wall, all I need to do is hook onto the buckle.

    I think it's a staple as well as leather belts.


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    Mar 9, 2008
    Between Tomball & Waller
    Hey you con call me cheap but I go to Burlington coat factory or
    Kohls and just look for the thickest leather belts they have in the
    width I need and the most I payed was 9.00 for a good heavy belt.:D


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    Hey you con call me cheap but I go to Burlington coat factory or
    Kohls and just look for the thickest leather belts they have in the
    width I need and the most I payed was 9.00 for a good heavy belt.:D

    If you saw a real gun belt, you'd see why that $9 Kohls belt won't last.

    I have a few like that, they don't work well for supporting the weight. And, they wear out quick.
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