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  • julie0225

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    Jul 12, 2008
    Hello all,

    I've been contemplating getting a gun. I went and looked this weekend and the counter guy suggested a Springfield XD-9. I would like opinions on this particular gun if you have them. I'm looking for something to use as a hobby/protection. I'm going to the shooting range this weekend to rent a gun(s) and try a few different ones, see what I like. My main concern is something that I can handle comfortably and something with a lot of safety features. I have a 10 year old and while I plan on buying a safe as well, I would like something that would be harder for him to operate should he ever come across it. I really liked the Springfield, however, I haven't used it so I can't say for sure if it's the gun for me. I would like other suggestions if you have them! Thanks!



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    Jun 27, 2008
    Welcome. I was in your position three weeks ago. The best thing I did was go to a gun range and rent guns. It didn't take long to find what I like.


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    May 9, 2008
    North Zulch, TX
    Here are a couple of pics of my wife's XD9. My opinions on the gun are below the pics.



    My wife picked this gun for herself. It is the 4" service model not the 3" subcompact ( don't know which one you were shown) and it fits her well. The gun has been 100% reliable and very very accurate. She can put 16 shots (slow fire) into a 4" circle with one or two fliers outside it but real close at 10 yards. I also shoot it with more consistent accuracy than most of my pistols. I am most likely going to buy another for me at some point because it is just too easy to shoot accurately. Where are you located? If you are anywhere near me you are welcome to save some rental fees and shoot ours. I'm in Bryan. Otherwise I will say that one review should not influence you to buy but you should still try out as many as you can get your hands on. A 9mm is an excellent starting point due to the cheap(ish) ammo, lighter recoil and suitableness for self defense all in one package. There are many good ones out there, you may consider Glock, Smith & Wesson M&P as well if you are looking at the lightweight polymer framed guns.


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    Jul 13, 2008
    Dallas, Texas
    I will second trying out as many firearms as possible to find one that suits you. Please do not forget about revolvers. My wife (along with several of her femal friends we have taken shooting) love revolvers, they are simple to operate and clean. I know you would like something more complicated because of your son, but in a stressful situation sometimes easy is the best, point and shoot. Just my .02 cents. Also the NRA website has loads of information on keeping guns in homes with small children too.


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    Jul 7, 2008
    Seguin, Tx

    First off, to second what has been said, find what you like..that is the most important thing, if you are not comfortable with it don't get it.

    I can't comment on the XD-9 as I have never even touched one. Depending on your budget, you might try looking at an HK45 or USP or even a 1911.

    A 1911 without a round in the pipe should be a bit difficult for a 10yr old to chamber a round, and even you carry one condition one (round in the spout with the hammer back and the safety on) a 1911 has three safeties: 1. the slide safety that has to be down in fire. 2. the grip safety that means your hand has to be firmly on the grip and 3. If the weapon is not fully in battery (the slide is not all the way forward) it won't fire.

    If you are not going to keep it ready all the time some HK USPs have a lock out in the grip that renders the pistol a paperweight, even with a round chambered...and some have similar safety characteristics of a 1911.

    My third option that I present is a Beretta 92 or 96 variant. Similar with many Semi-Auto weapons, like the HK above, they have a decocker, but the Beretta allows you to leave a round chambered and the safety in de-cocker that prevents the firing pin from being struck and prevents the hammer from being locked back.

    Again, these are just weapons that I've been around and used, but go with what is comfortable to you.


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    Mar 4, 2008
    A 1911 is a good choice.I bought a XD40 for my wife and she is now shooting my 1911s.You will definitely need to see some guns at a gunshop so you can put your hands on the one you want to buy.

    Roadkill Bill

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    Julie, the XD-9 is a fine gun, but the only way to know if it is the right gun for you is to shoot it first. Do you have a local gun range that rents guns? If so, first, hold several guns (don't neglect revolvers) and see what feels good in your hand. Then, after you find several you like, rent it (if you can) and shoot it. Sometimes the addition of ammunition going off can radically change your perspective of how a gun feels. Does it push back in your hand? Does the muzzle flip up sharply? Does it just plain hurt to shoot? Some salesmen try to sell what they like, but it may not be the best gun for you. In some guns the .40 cal. is easier to shoot than the 9mm. (I've heard people say this about the XDs and the S&W M&Ps, but I have not fired either.) Heck, my wife carries a .357 and "loves to feel it when it goes off." (Her words.)

    So, I hope you get to shoot a few first before you decide. You wouldn't buy a car without test driving it first.

    Army 1911

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    Mar 17, 2008
    Dallas Texas or so
    Julie the best advice I can give you is to go to a range that rents guns. Try several, including revolvers. If you are new to pistol shooting, I suggest learning with a revolver. They are easier to learn on for most people. The make good conceal and defense weapons as well.

    Keep in mind that I shoot 1911 .45 caliber autos at about 8 to 3 versus other calibers and types. I say this because I am trying not to let my prejudices enter my advice.

    Also, many ranges offer lessons on shooting, defense and other things. Training will always pay for itself in the long run. Don't skimp on that.

    The other thing is to get something that is fun to shoot and you need to practice with it regularly.

    A ten year old son is about the age where he could be taught to shoot as well. You know your son so that is up to you of course. I just mention it because I got my first 45 at the ripe old age of 11. That was when Ike was president and a hamburger, fries and coke was only a quarter.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    In addition to handling and trying out various types of guns, I would also recommend taking some sort of introductory handgun training course if you can find one in your area or nearby. It really goes a long way to get some training and help from a pro.

    The XD9 seems to be a pretty decent gun. Also, just another recommendation, you might consider looking at the new Springfield XD-M:

    It is basically an XD but is a bit more ergonomic and seems to feel a decent amount better in the grip area than the regular XD's. The prices new at most retailers are pretty decent.

    One more recommendation. Since you mentioned the safety aspect, there are many firearms out there that have internal safety locks that usually have some sort of specialized little key to activate and deactivate. Better safe than sorry I always say, so it's worth considering a gun that has such a feature, especially since you have a kid around. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is most Taurus handguns have such a safety lock. Here's the Taurus 24/7, which seems to be a decent gun as well:


    Since you mentioned self defense, I would definitely recommend starting with something in 9mm. There are plenty of good calibers out there, and bigger calibers. However for the most part, 9mm is perfectly sufficient for self defense, and in most medium to full size guns it usually doesn't have too much recoil. For some people, calibers even just a little bit bigger than 9mm (.40sw and 45acp, etc) can be a handful and uncomfortable.


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    Jul 16, 2008
    Texas Hill Country
    Just to add another .02
    My wife has fired several of my pistols (9mm-.45), she adopted a Ruger security-six (.357) as her protection gun when I am not at home.
    Easy to operate, easy to clean (stainless steel), and she fires .38 special which is easier for her to control.
    For safety, I would recommend one of those bedside gun safes.

    Something like this:


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    Jul 19, 2008
    san marcos
    lots of good advice here..i'll just add my .02, my wife keeps the smith and wesson model 19 next to the bed on her side, its a .357 loaded with .38's. but theres nothing wrong with getting a semi auto, she likes shooting my beretta 92fs over most other of our semi autos. best of luck and welcome to the hobby.


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    Jun 11, 2008
    A little late here Julie, Sorry. There is absolutely nothing wrong with revolvers,but I don't believe they're gonna cover your needs. Before anyone jumps on my case,here's why. Any revolver is not only a six shot,but a heck of alot harder to reload..... especially under the pressure of defending you and yours! If it's going to be carried in concealment, you get alot less barrel length in revolver of the same overall length of an automatic. When it comes to barrel length,you get two things: power & accuracy. The longer the barrel, the more influence over the bullets course and the longer the bullet has to get the full charge from the gun powder. As soon as the bullet exits the barrel,all the expanding gasses escape behind it, therefore the shorter the barrel, the less 'umph' the bullet has when it hits the target. Please don't think I'm talking down,I just don't know how much experience you have with firearms. Hope it helps!


    Roadkill Bill

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    Pretty much a straw argument. If someone takes a .45 ACP slug in the chest from the 4.6" barrel of my Glock 21 automatic, or a .357 round from my 3" S&W 66 revolver, I betcha he ain't gonna tell any difference whatsoever.

    Now drop that down to a 9mm automatic, and there might be a difference. He might live with the 9, might not.


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    Jun 11, 2008
    Uh, Yea Bill, Ya kinda proved my point!?!?!
    .45 ACP = Heavy Bullet....Low Charge....and Slow........You get the most out of it by shooting it through your 4.6" Glock.


    .357 Magnum = Lighter Bullet.....Very High Charge.....and Fast.....Your handicapping it buy shooting it through a 3" Smith Revolver. Your not giving it the same amount of time under pressure to capitalize on it's high level of charge. And as a matter of fact,you are handicapping it even more by shooting it through a revolver,because a revolver never seals as well as an auto.

    `Course,that's my opinion.....I could be wrong.


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    Jun 11, 2008
    Ok RoadKill, now you caught me out. I know diddley-squat about the ballistics of a .44 Special or the Smith 25's give me a few minutes on that one and I'll try and look it up. Your comment about the bad guy probably not feeling the difference kind of brought me back into reality,in the fact that because we are "really into this stuff" we tend to get a little to deep in the discusion,but your right he wouldn't. I should have made this point in my first response........1 CALIBER ONLY...Auto vs. Revolver............a S&W 25 is 12 Friggin inches LONG!!!! Knock an inch and a half off the barrel to make it a five inch barrel and it's still ten and a half inches long, where as a 5" 1911 is eight and a half?!?!?!?!? Oh yea, you get thirty percent more ammo on board and it's easier and faster to reload(god forbid she should have to).So as I said in my first post,an auto would probably serve her better.


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    Feb 21, 2008
    Austin, TX
    Guys, lets try not to confuse Julie. ;) Being new to the world of guns and all, I'm sure some of the stuff being talked about can sound a bit overwhelming.

    Roadkill Bill

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    Julie, I'm sorry. HK is right. Cody and I are a couple of old farts having fun with each other splitting ballistic hairs. We kinda hijacked the thread and got a bit off subject.

    Just handle and/or shoot as many guns as possible before you make up your mind, and then get what feels best to you. The better you like it, the better you'll shoot with it, and that's what really counts. Let us know what you wind up with!


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    Jul 12, 2008
    Thanks guys! I need all the advice I can get. I haven't been to the gun range yet, but the Springfield XD9 has been recommended by several people, so that's what I'll try out first. I'm hoping that'll be the "one" since I've done so much research on it. I'll let you know what I end up getting and I'm sure I'll have a plethora of questions once I do.
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