Reason you haven't gotten your CHL?

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  • If you would like to have a CHL, but haven't applied, why not?

    • I have my CHL

      Votes: 34 54.8%
    • Cost ($140 initial; $70 renewal)

      Votes: 9 14.5%
    • Required class time (10hr. initial; 4 hr. renewal)

      Votes: 6 9.7%
    • Too many areas where CHL's can't carry their guns

      Votes: 2 3.2%
    • Don't know how to go about getting one

      Votes: 1 1.6%
    • Other (explain)

      Votes: 10 16.1%

    • Total voters


    Active Member
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    Mar 5, 2008
    Texas of course
    Don't get me wrong, nothing against yall police officers...but I don't think yall should be able to carry nation wide like that if we (CHL holders) can't. I actually think every law abiding citizen should be able to carry concealed without one anyways.

    But you're right, if I was a police officer I'd carry nation wide too.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    Don't get me wrong, nothing against yall police officers...but I don't think yall should be able to carry nation wide like that if we (CHL holders) can't. I actually think every law abiding citizen should be able to carry concealed without one anyways.

    But you're right, if I was a police officer I'd carry nation wide too.

    I agree 100%. I also think we should be able to open carry in TX too. I don't know if I actually would, but it would be nice to have the option.


    Resident Septuagenarian
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    Feb 29, 2008
    I have mine.

    One of the first in the state to do so.

    And so, now will be my 3rd renewal.

    It seems all I need to do is have the finger prints, photo.

    The local range/CHL place says $50 for processing the paper work.

    No class and no proficiency test. :cool:


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    Don't get me wrong, nothing against yall police officers...but I don't think yall should be able to carry nation wide like that if we (CHL holders) can't. I actually think every law abiding citizen should be able to carry concealed without one anyways.

    But you're right, if I was a police officer I'd carry nation wide too.

    I don't think being a Police Officer has anything to do with it. I'm not saying I know the laws etc. but I don't think every state in the union would give a crap about an officer from another state when it comes to carrying. Required in your own jurisdiction or state maybe.

    I'm curious how/if TXShooter carries legally nationwide, unless you have Federal License? But I think non-LEO's with Federal license are bound to not disclosing; I could be wrong. I'm going by what little I know form someone I know who is a Federal Air Marshal and Pilot.

    Since you brought it up, I'd be interested in knowing. Multi-state CHL's and reciprocation are great, but it's complicated in so many states. Even some with open carry I believe require you to be a resident of that state, otherwise, leave home without it. :D


    Resident Septuagenarian
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    Feb 29, 2008
    Somehow I think a LEO, not from D.C. or Mass., would find himself in some difficulty in those places.

    A LEO from Pa., on another forum, was arrested at LAX for carrying. Had to go to court to get exonerated.


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    Mar 18, 2008
    Reason to carry. I have been a CHL since the law went into effect in '96 I had a incident yestarday, Defender in my van, Smith in pocket, doing a car check out for my customer... I'm a mobile mechanic, when the owner, a young african american person, started to yelling and carry on about I how I was damaging his car, a POS that was falling a part he wanted $1500 for a 91 mazda with over 180,000 miles on it claimed it belonged to his sister... I think he had stole it and was trying to make some quick money on this POS, I also think he was pissed that I was really check out the car like I was paid to do. He called a friend on his phone who just happen to show up in under a minute..... From his home, through a very busy major grocery and shoping center to the gas station where we all were... dam I wish the cops were that fast. he pulls in back of his friend's pos with a brand new dodge charger pimp mobile with custom 20"s. walks to the back of his pimped ride and retreives his baseball bat slings it on his shoulder and starts to walk up to the front of the junker where I am.. I start to talk to this Sht and diffuse the situation, I think he spotted the hilt of my 642 which is in hand partly out of my pocket he turns around and leaves. I tell car thief that his car is back together and we are not interested in his car and we leave. Ok yes I was scared, but kept my calm, talked through it the best I could, got myself and my cleint the hell out of there as soon as I could and did not have to shoot and then face the grand jury... thank G-D. The 642 38sp +p gave me a bunch of comfort yesterday. I cleaned and oiled her to day


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    Mar 16, 2008
    san antonio
    Reason to carry. I have been a CHL since the law went into effect in '96 I had a incident yestarday, Defender in my van, Smith in pocket, doing a car check out for my customer... I'm a mobile mechanic, when the owner, a young african american person, started to yelling and carry on about I how I was damaging his car, a POS that was falling a part he wanted $1500 for a 91 mazda with over 180,000 miles on it claimed it belonged to his sister... I think he had stole it and was trying to make some quick money on this POS, I also think he was pissed that I was really check out the car like I was paid to do. He called a friend on his phone who just happen to show up in under a minute..... From his home, through a very busy major grocery and shoping center to the gas station where we all were... dam I wish the cops were that fast. he pulls in back of his friend's pos with a brand new dodge charger pimp mobile with custom 20"s. walks to the back of his pimped ride and retreives his baseball bat slings it on his shoulder and starts to walk up to the front of the junker where I am.. I start to talk to this Sht and diffuse the situation, I think he spotted the hilt of my 642 which is in hand partly out of my pocket he turns around and leaves. I tell car thief that his car is back together and we are not interested in his car and we leave. Ok yes I was scared, but kept my calm, talked through it the best I could, got myself and my cleint the hell out of there as soon as I could and did not have to shoot and then face the grand jury... thank G-D. The 642 38sp +p gave me a bunch of comfort yesterday. I cleaned and oiled her to day
    Ive been having a few incidents like these, some of these guys just seem to think they can be in charge if they know you see they have something such as a baseball bat. I def need to get something started. I dread those last few moments when im in a situation where my life depended on it. if that makes sense...


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    Mar 18, 2008
    I'm completely comfortable with carrying all these years. classes where informative, the shooting was easy to qualify. The other benefit is that most Law enforcement personel see you as somebody they trust to do the right thing. the card has got me out of traffic tickets. Every morning I get my coffee, make some calls, drop my 642 in my pocket grab my coffee cup and my pouch that has my 45 in and drive off to work. the weapons I carry have become just like any other tool that I carry. I don't really give them much thought at all during the day. it's just like having a pen, tools or your cellphone you don't think much about it till you need to write a note, tighten a bolt or protect yourself from NUTS


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    Feb 29, 2008
    Laziness and lack of free time is why I haven't gotten it yet. 'Been working 60-70hr weeks the past few months, leaving the weekends to Recover as opposed to doing things.


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    Mar 17, 2008
    Houston, TX.
    Laziness and lack of free time is why I haven't gotten it yet.


    I finally decided on which place to take my class. I know if I send for the permit application, I'll get it done a lot quicker.


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    Mar 2, 2008
    First off, There is no such thing as a federal carry permit/license.

    Then this:
    Don't get me wrong, nothing against yall police officers...but I don't think yall should be able to carry nation wide like that if we (CHL holders) can't. I actually think every law abiding citizen should be able to carry concealed without one anyways.

    How many years has it been that "they" have been writing laws to restrict the rights of law abiding citizens to carry the tools they need to protect themselves and their families? You cannot expect to undo all the damage at once. LEOSA was a first step. Now that LEOSA has been passed WE need to elect law makers who will work on national recognition of state carry permits just as your drivers license is, even though the full faith and credit clause should negate the neccesity do do. Then the work can continue to further reduce the infringements on our god given rights.


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    Mar 5, 2008
    Texas of course
    First off, There is no such thing as a federal carry permit/license.

    Then this:

    How many years has it been that "they" have been writing laws to restrict the rights of law abiding citizens to carry the tools they need to protect themselves and their families? You cannot expect to undo all the damage at once. LEOSA was a first step. Now that LEOSA has been passed WE need to elect law makers who will work on national recognition of state carry permits just as your drivers license is, even though the full faith and credit clause should negate the neccesity do do. Then the work can continue to further reduce the infringements on our god given rights.

    Oh I agree it is only the first step in many and it's going to take time to get our rights back if we ever even get them back.


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    Mar 6, 2008
    in his profile,he states he is a LEO and with that he doesn't need a CHL to carry as President Bush signed that bill to allow active LEO's to carry everywhere.

    they can carry ona plane, I found that out last week when I was flying and the girl at the check in gave me the wrong form to check in my gun and the form she gave me was for a LEO to fly with his gun to get it thru TSA check point.
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