So Obama Picks Biden

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    Feb 23, 2008
    San Antonio
    By picking a senator who's been a 30+ year politician and bureaucrat, Obama just flushed "change" right down the toilet. He needed somebody with experience in just about everything and I don't think Biden's will be the change he'll need to get a victory. I think this will be a good choice for McCain's candidacy.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    DFW area.....Wylie.
    Someone needs to motivate Rice to be McCain's running mate.

    Here is her official bio:
    Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State

    I have to say that, don't know if it would help McCain's minority or women voter support.....but having her by his side would be be a plus to me. I [and my wife] do like her, she is intelligent, articulate, dignified, and undersands politics as they relate to foreign affairs.


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    Feb 22, 2008
    Republic of Texas
    Here is her official bio:
    Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State

    I have to say that, don't know if it would help McCain's minority or women voter support.....but having her by his side would be be a plus to me. I [and my wife] do like her, she is intelligent, articulate, dignified, and undersands politics as they relate to foreign affairs.


    She's on the right team. Regardless of your like or dislike of McCain, he is the candidate that we must work to get elected. The out front socialists that make up the Democratic ticket have to be stopped at all costs...

    The second amendment probably rides on it.


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    May 4, 2008
    “Thus, in setting an American agenda for a new world order, we must begin with a profound alteration in traditional thought,”

    -Joe Biden duing his “On the Threshold of the New World Order: A Rebirth for the United Nations" speech.

    I don't mean to make everyone dive for their tinfoil hats - but he did say it.....


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    May 4, 2008
    Furthermore, if ANYONE thinks the second amendment - or any part of the bill of rights is safe with Mcain - they are going to be sorely dissapointed.

    Do I need to remind anyone of Mcain's support for the FISA fiasco? We're talking about amnesty for companies who BROKE THE LAW by violating the 4th amendment. But it's OK Mcain said, they did it to stop "terror" and because the government asked them to........sorry, there is no difference with your choices these days. They are both bought and paid for, you can either pick socialism or fascism........either way, there is a storm coming.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    DFW area.....Wylie.
    Any way you cut it, we have our candidates. This is the first time I will not be voting FOR someone......but you should know that I will certainly be voting against someone.

    This is the poorest selection of candidates I can remember.


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    May 4, 2008
    You go ahead and vote for the lesser or evils, I will not be voting for any evil - and certianly not handing over any more legitimacy to them.

    If I have trouble sleeping at night, it will be because I know that at some point I will have to risk my life to remain free - NOT because I pissed on the grave of liberty voting for either one of these tyrants.


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    Feb 29, 2008
    DFW area.....Wylie.
    You go ahead and vote for the lesser or evils, I will not be voting for any evil - and certianly not handing over any more legitimacy to them..

    Not voting may allow the MOST evil to would you sleep then?

    What I am saying, is that, somebody has to win. One candidate will have more votes than the other candidate. Would you not like to participate in the process of, at the least, keeping out the one you see most unfit for office?

    Besides, there are other things to vote for, not just the president.


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    May 4, 2008
    If I vote for one of them, I will have on some level endorsed whatever behaviour they engage in. I cannot do that as I do not accept this mythical contract that gives them (or anyone else for that matter) power over my non-agressive actions.

    When one of them becomes your elected leader, and they give you and I over to the UN, or continue this march towards dicatorship, or whatever horrors come to pass - no one can point a finger at me and say I had a hand in it. Who wins is irrelevant, like I said - you are voting for socialism or fascism - do you honestly expect me to feel good about picking one? Do YOU feel good about picking one? Thing is, I believe in complete liberty and both candidates are threatened by ideas like this, no matter which one "wins" the election - people like me are a hunted species. It matters not to me which one "wins", either way - liberty loses.

    I WILL NOT empower my enemies.


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    Jun 17, 2008
    Hey, I cann't stand McCain anymore than you or the next guy but Obama is nothing short of a Socialist period! Heck, he's border line Communist...just listen to his ass talk. Atleast for the most part you can clearly tell the McCains are Pro-American. I'm sick of voting for the lessor of the two evils but I love my country far to much to take the chance on Obama making office simply because I chose not to vote!


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    May 4, 2008
    Show me how Mcain won't f#*k us and I will vote for him.

    Can you even show me a REAL difference?

    Go ahead, I'll wait......


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    Apr 23, 2008
    Kingwood, Tx
    Show me how Mcain won't f#*k us and I will vote for him.

    Can you even show me a REAL difference?

    Go ahead, I'll wait......

    To me it comes down to the Supreme Court seat vacancies that will be coming up in the next term. I know that if Obama is president, he will elect the most left wing crazy whacko activist and not a constitutionalist like it should be. Remember we only won Heller by a slim margin. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't be voting McCain.


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    May 9, 2008
    North Zulch, TX
    IMO someone unwilling to participate in the process should also sit down and STFU when they are unhappy with whatever becomes of the election. If that person cannot stand the thought of voting for one candidate or the other that is fine but they shouldn't pretend to be taking the high moral ground and continuously voice their opinions about how bad things are. Talking is one thing, but if that person refuses to take any action, even if it is just simply voting against a candidate then they are the problem not the solution they pretend to be.

    This is meant not as a personal attack but as an opinion of someone fully planning on participating in the election to vote against a candidate and do what they can to keep from completely ending up in the sewers.

    If this is viewed as a personal attack perhaps there is some self evaluation to be done.


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    May 4, 2008
    And somehow Mcain will not fill the SCOTUS will a bunch of imperialistic, police-state, neocon-type people?

    Come one people, we are arguing whether or not to be trampled under the boots of socialism or fascism.

    Mcain is a "republican"

    Bush is also a "republican"

    Isn't a "republican" supposed to stand for fiscal responsibility and small government? The EXACT OPPOSITE has happened during the last eight years. You had a "repubican" in the white house, and a varying makeup of the rest of the fedgov throughout the years - tell me, in the eight years did the government get smaller.......or bigger? Did they spend more.......or less of YOUR money?

    So based on history when know two things:

    1. "Democrats" will steal and spend more of your money and grow the government in ways that interject itself more deeply into your personal lives.

    2. "Republicans" will steal and spend more of your money and grow the government in ways that interject itself more deeply into your personal lives.

    So tell me, what do I have to gain.......or not participating?


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    May 4, 2008
    Juwaba - I will continue to not cooperate in my own slavery AND be vocal about the wrongdoings.

    Telling someone that does not lend futher legitimacy to the government to screw up their lives to "STFU" is like telling someone to stop complaining about getting robbed until they give the criminal money and help him reform himself.

    Sorry, I will not engage in an activity that empowers my tormentor.


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    May 9, 2008
    North Zulch, TX
    Like I said that was not aimed at you as you are not alone in the stance you have taken. But since we are on the subject perhaps you'd be kind enough to inform me how it is that non participation is going to make a change? I'm not happy with our candidates nor am I that happy about the previous 8 years but simply refusing to participate in my mind will not accomplish anything. Your government doesn't care about the people who won't participate, they are concerned with the ones who will and do. Without your vote on the line there is no reason to listen to what you say. You are trying to give legitimacy to your position of not voting but all you truly are doing is losing credibility. There would be a weight to your voice if you were being active in our system and actually trying to make a change happen but when you just throw in the towel because you can't take it anymore you are accomplishing nothing and diminishing the chances you have of making a difference.

    Again, no attack, just wanting to perhaps be educated a little bit as I can't get to this line of thinking in my thought processes and opinions so actually hearing more about it would be helpful.


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    May 4, 2008
    The way people like me make change is through CIVIL, PEACEFUL, non-cooperation. Only after the state engages in violence is there justification to go from the soapbox to the cartridge box.

    There are people like me that are actively, on many different levels engaging in this practice - look up the "free state project". I am going to be visiting NH in November for a invitational shoot and will be checking out the state in anticipation of moving there to participate in that movement.


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    Jun 17, 2008
    The way people like me make change is through CIVIL, PEACEFUL, non-cooperation. Only after the state engages in violence is there justification to go from the soapbox to the cartridge box.

    There are people like me that are actively, on many different levels engaging in this practice - look up the "free state project". I am going to be visiting NH in November for a invitational shoot and will be checking out the state in anticipation of moving there to participate in that movement.

    Now how old are you?

    Just what in the hell are you actively doing other than running off to burry you head in the dirt? These guys don't even believe in politics and voting. If you're not part of the Solution, you're part of the problem.

    What the Free State Project is not... We are not a political action organization. We are not tied to any political party or organization; we do not run candidates for election, we do not financially support or endorse candidates, and we do not oppose or endorse legislation.

    They sound more like an anti-government fanatic group than anything else.
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