Thinking about getting out of the .40 stuff

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  • Madhouse

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    Mar 17, 2008
    Tomball, TX
    I'm contemplating selling off my .40 pistols, and focusing on more .45's. All I carry are .45's, and the .40's have really become safe queens.

    I have always lived by the motto, "don't sell guns, just buy guns", but I don't ever take them out anymore.



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    Feb 23, 2008
    San Antonio
    I'm kind of like you in that I really hate selling guns, but to be honest, sometimes you just have to thin the heard. The good thing about selling your old ones is that you get to buy new ones!;)

    Moe Howard

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    May 1, 2008
    I kind of hate selling guns myself but if all they have done for the previous year is sit in the safe, and I have no desire to shoot them they go bye bye for something that I would rather have. Once you gather a certain number of firearms it starts becoming a potential huge financial loss for fire or theft. Of course that is subjective and depends on financial status.


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    Mar 17, 2008
    Tomball, TX
    I know there are fans of the .40, and I like the round as well. I would like to consolidate and get down to less calibers. When I first got into guns a few years ago I went on a buying binge and picked up many pistols. Right now I'm focusing on .45's.
    With the money from these .40's I could get a Nighthawk Custom. :)


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    May 26, 2008
    I have had 4 different .40 cals...Sig P229 being the latest....and Have came to the conclusion, that I wont be buying anymore. Its not an inherently accurate round, and you can sure tell it just by changing barrels in the 229 for example and shooting .357 SIG(which by the same token is a fine round) 9mm and 45acp pistols have been a staple with me
    for 35 years now and there is just no reason for me to give them up for a .40 (whomever likes them more power to ya, I just never could though I tried)


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    Apr 5, 2008
    Frisco, Texas
    Make mine a nine....

    I only have one 40, a S & W, MP 40, and I really like it. Soon I'll be buying a 357 Sig barrel (at Midway USA ) which is interchangable with the 40 caliber barrel. Two guns for almost the price of one. The MP 40 is very accurate with great ergonomics. I was considering buying a MP 45 but with the continual rise of ammo costs I flushed that idea. I already have a 1911 S.A. Micro Compact in 45 caliber to shoot when I want to spend about 35 cents every time I pull the trigger , which is often. I don't reload.
    Instead of moving to a more expensive pistol to shoot I will be moving to a more practical addition of another 9mm. About half the cost of 45 ammo. I now have a CZ 75B 9mm, a MP 9 compact, a S & W Sigma SW9VE and a 9mm baby Desert Eagle. Most 1911 manufacturers are now offering 9mm 1911's since the demand is getting stronger for them. My next pistol will be a MP 9Pro as soon as they become available.
    My safe queens are my 380's. I have a PPK/S and a Bersa Thunder in 380. Seldom ever shoot them anymore because they aren't that fun to shoot and 380 ammo is more expensive than 9mm. If I ever dump any of my pistols, which is highly doubtful, it will be the 380's.


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    Mar 3, 2008
    Austin, Houston
    I did the same thing with all my 40 stuff a couple years back. I think the 40 round is outstanding but I use a 45 for carry and a 9mm when working with subguns. My issue more than all the guns was keeping up with all the different ammo but the escape has been short lived now that I I'm getting very ammo specific for different silencers or precision rifles.

    I keep thinking I've narrowed down to my core guns but thewn something else comes along that i GOTTA have.



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    Apr 6, 2008
    inner loop houston
    I keep thinking I've narrowed down to my core guns but thewn something else comes along that i GOTTA have.

    everytime i get that "gotta have" feeling, i grab my stomache and think about how hungry i am.... or at least try to make myself feel hungry. lozl.
    (rather eat then buy a gun )


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    Feb 28, 2008
    North Texas
    .40 seems to be a sinking ship to some degree. Most people are opting for either .45 or 9mm these days.

    I don't know where you got that information. The .40 S&W is the most popular police round in existence today. More Federal and State law enforcement agencies use .40 S&W than any other round. That being said, I sold all my .40 cal Glocks, just because I don't like the .40 in a 9 mm. frame. I continue to shoot Glocks in 9 mm. and .45 ACP. My Sig P229 in .40 is my favorite carry gun. The .40 is a proven round and shows no signs of dying out. It fills a real niche in the caliber choice.


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    Jul 7, 2008
    Seguin, Tx
    I have had 4 different .40 cals...Sig P229 being the latest....and Have came to the conclusion, that I wont be buying anymore. Its not an inherently accurate round...

    Sorry man, but I have to call BS on the 40 not being accurate...It may be your weapon, but I've seen many shooters shoot near perfect on CHL scores with a .40. It may not be the cat's meow on the ISPC trail, but it is a nice mix. My father and Wife, and Brother-in-law (the ladder being a Deputy in Bandera County) all carry 40 Smith as their carry weapon. My brother in law would carry his on duty but his department made him carry a 357 sig.


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    Jun 17, 2008
    I used to have a lot of .40s.Now I only have my glock 27.:D

    I'm buying a Glock 27 tomorrow ;)

    This will be my first Glock and a firearm chambered in a .40 S&W. I can understand the not wanting to keep up with multiple calibers but I'm a gun slut
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