30.06 sign....boycott?

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  • Texan2

    TGT Addict
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    Nov 8, 2008
    South of San Antonio
    Ok...There are alot of you guys that are much more proficient at organizing protest type messages that I am, so I present this question:
    Is there a way to start a petition (if that is the right term), that can be sent to businesses that are CHL unfriendly, (and even the media) making them aware that they are alienating and losing tens of thousands of customers by way of their anti gun stance?
    It would make a great news story and if there were enough CHL holders involved would send a great message.
    I think the message would have to include stats and fct about CHL holders and why you DO want them in your business. (i.e. CHL holder demographics, CHL holders have a higher amount of discretionary and disposable income...etc.)
    I'm sure soneone has already thought of this, right?....


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    May 28, 2008
    Ft Worth, TX
    A business who posts a 30.06 sign is not necessarily making an anti- 2nd amendment stance. You don't have a 2nd amendment right to carry in their business.

    That said, I support your right to avoid businesses that will not allow CHL carry.


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    Nov 8, 2008
    South of San Antonio
    Allow me to further frustrate you; Is a business that has a "no food or drink" sign anti food and drink? Or do they simply not want you to bring food and drink into their business?

    LOL... No sweat, I'm not frustrated. I think that is a different animal entirely. They are trying to get you to buy THEIR product, which is not the case in the 30.06 sign posting. 30.06 sign is their perceived notion that CHL holders are dangerous or carrying makes their business a more dangerous place to be for their customers.

    comparing apples and oranges....


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    Nov 26, 2008
    I tend to stay away from 30.06 posted businesses. The logic that warrants these signs, in my opinion, is flawed. They are asking innocent, responsible people to disarm and become defenseless, while boldly advertising that their place of business is full of these disarmed, defenseless people.

    I don't want to patronize a business of anyone not rational enough to understand that concept.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    They are trying to get you to buy THEIR product, which is not the case in the 30.06 sign posting. 30.06 sign is their perceived notion that CHL holders are dangerous or carrying makes their business a more dangerous place to be for their customers.

    comparing apples and oranges....

    It may be apples and oranges but not in the way you're selling it.

    You have absolutely no idea what they post 30.06 and to have done so, means someone made the special effort and did it for a reason. You may not agree with that reason, but it's not for you to decide. I'm more annoyed at the no food or drink thing as they're obviously thinking I'm a careless slob and will spill something.

    A 30.06 posting in most cases is silly to me, but the only thing for me is to go in not carrying or not go in. It "IS" my choice.

    If you want to share your opinion with the business, have at it. But please don't do it like a reasonable adult unlike a lot of guys suggest they would do if they actually did address it directly with the business principal. :p


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    Nov 8, 2008
    South of San Antonio
    You kind of lost me with the last part of that post. :confused:

    My point is that there is no logical reason for a 30.06 sign and my question was... would a cohesive, unified approach to those businesses make a difference. I dont know the answer, but it seemed like something that might be considered.

    In no way shape or form is there any way to make a reasonable analogy to the "no food or drink"' sign. The 2 signs are posted for completely different reasons. One is to keep a mess from being made or from competing with their food sales. The other...as was mentioned, is to announce that everyone is defensless. I was just wondering if those business owners know what business they are losing....

    I have detected that some that post on here like to disect the language, and may not always look at the spirit of the idea that is thrown out for consideration.

    Just an observation...

    It may be apples and oranges but not in the way you're selling it.

    You have absolutely no idea what they post 30.06 and to have done so, means someone made the special effort and did it for a reason. You may not agree with that reason, but it's not for you to decide. I'm more annoyed at the no food or drink thing as they're obviously thinking I'm a careless slob and will spill something.

    A 30.06 posting in most cases is silly to me, but the only thing for me is to go in not carrying or not go in. It "IS" my choice.

    If you want to share your opinion with the business, have at it. But please don't do it like a reasonable adult unlike a lot of guys suggest they would do if they actually did address it directly with the business principal. :p


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    My point is that there is no logical reason for a 30.06 sign and my question was... would a cohesive, unified approach to those businesses make a difference. I dont know the answer, but it seemed like something that might be considered.

    In no way shape or form is there any way to make a reasonable analogy to the "no food or drink"' sign. The 2 signs are posted for completely different reasons. One is to keep a mess from being made or from competing with their food sales. The other...as was mentioned, is to announce that everyone is defensless. I was just wondering if those business owners know what business they are losing....

    I'm not saying I can justify a 30.06 posting in most cases, but you're making assumptions that are irrelevant. You cannot assume why the sign is posted; just as it's your right to legally carry, it's their right to post the sign. And since it's not something as simple and arbitrary like posting a no food or drink sign, they do it for a reason.

    I think the basic point we are trying to make is, it's their business; it's their right. The only way to enjoy any of our rights is to respect all of our rights.

    Ask them why and address that reason if you want to. Some may be doing it for the wrong reasons and would appreciate a reasonable, informative discussion, they may not. Still their right.


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    Oh, the last part was just taking a poke at these guys that want to protest and make all kinds of noise because they don't understand or agree with something, instead of addressing it as an adult. Since most never lift a finger other that to type on the keyboard, it's moot, but I like to razz that crowd every now and then.


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    Nov 8, 2008
    South of San Antonio
    Ok...that does clarify.

    I can appreciate their rights....I honestly can.

    I suppose my point was that, do THEY even know why they posted it, or how much business that little sign might be costing them?

    Did they post it because "guns kill" so keep them away!

    Or if you could show that that the sign cost them XXX number of dollars in business, would they rethink their decision? It would be nice if they not only lost our business, but knew WHY they lost it.

    I am fortunate that there are few places around here that post 30.06 signs to start with and even if they do it doesn't effect my ability to carry. I would just like to open the eyes of more business owners around the state....for the benefit of all CHL holders.
    Pehaps this is or is not the way to do it. But I like to throw the ideas out there and let them get bounced around.


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    Oct 19, 2008
    Ok...that does clarify.

    I can appreciate their rights....I honestly can.

    I suppose my point was that, do THEY even know why they posted it, or how much business that little sign might be costing them?

    Did they post it because "guns kill" so keep them away!

    Or if you could show that that the sign cost them XXX number of dollars in business, would they rethink their decision? It would be nice if they not only lost our business, but knew WHY they lost it.

    I am fortunate that there are few places around here that post 30.06 signs to start with and even if they do it doesn't effect my ability to carry. I would just like to open the eyes of more business owners around the state....for the benefit of all CHL holders.
    Pehaps this is or is not the way to do it. But I like to throw the ideas out there and let them get bounced around.
    I certainly understand where you are coming from. I live in Austin, but the only place I have seen a legitimate 30.06 sign posted was at the Saxet gun show. I sort of know why they post theirs, but that just adds to the number of reasons I don't go there.

    The only other place I have seen an attempt at posting a 30.06 sign was at Garden Ridge. However, it was not a legitimate 30.06 sign. This was a sign that looks like some I have seen posted on Post Office doors, that just had the circle/line through it with a pistol in the middle. It was on an 8.5 x 11" sheet of paper and basically just said "no guns allowed here." Of course it is still legal to carry there b/c they don't even know the law in the first place. I still don't go there b/c their heart is already in the wrong place.

    I see your point that it would be nice to show these people how much business they are losing by posting those signs. But keep in mind that if you approach the owner/manager that placed the sign that you are then putting yourself in the position of arguing with a liberal. That is very much akin, if not synonymous with arguing with a fool. Be careful, b/c bystanders might not be able to tell the difference.


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    Nov 8, 2008
    South of San Antonio
    "I see your point that it would be nice to show these people how much business they are losing by posting those signs. But keep in mind that if you approach the owner/manager that placed the sign that you are then putting yourself in the position of arguing with a liberal. That is very much akin, if not synonymous with arguing with a fool. Be careful, b/c bystanders might not be able to tell the difference"

    AMEN brother!!! but remember, liberal or conservative, money talks!


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    Mar 5, 2008
    Far, far, far North Dallas
    Go here Texas State Rifle Association - TSRA Logo Offical Items and order a set of the no firearms=no money business cards. The back states Texas CHL holders have
    No felony convictions
    no class A or B misdemeanors in the last 5 years
    pass local and federal background checks
    no delinquent conduct in the last 10 years or no back child support, student loans, or taxes
    How much do you know about your other customers?

    I pass them out on occasion. E-mail campaigns work but are slow to bring about change. Taco Cabana has pulled many of their signs (here in north Texas anyway) and one of the Movie Grill theater's in the Houston area changed because of it.

    May not change anything but passing out the cards to the manager or owner of a business might plant the seed that makes them see the light.


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    Nov 26, 2008
    I just bought 150 of them. If anyone is in/around the Katy area and wants some I'll give away some for free. I don't need 150 of them, but as cheap as they are it's not worth the hassle for one pack.


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    Mar 28, 2008
    Go here Texas State Rifle Association - TSRA Logo Offical Items and order a set of the no firearms=no money business cards. The back states Texas CHL holders have
    No felony convictions
    no class A or B misdemeanors in the last 5 years
    pass local and federal background checks
    no delinquent conduct in the last 10 years or no back child support, student loans, or taxes
    How much do you know about your other customers?

    I pass them out on occasion. E-mail campaigns work but are slow to bring about change. Taco Cabana has pulled many of their signs (here in north Texas anyway) and one of the Movie Grill theater's in the Houston area changed because of it.

    May not change anything but passing out the cards to the manager or owner of a business might plant the seed that makes them see the light.

    This was going to be my reply as well. If you encounter a 30.06sign, you put your no gun. no money sign.

    Here on CHLforum there are templates you're welcome to download, printout and use on the "no gun = no $$$" in the general CHL forum: TexasCHLforum.com • View topic - no gun - no $$$ cards

    Edit: OKay....there is hte same post a few threads down from this one! Forgive me. I've had a double shot adult beverage with my dinner and well I'm jusfyt a bruyfjglh ;lj ;lk /..................

    Double Naught Spy

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    Mar 4, 2008
    North Texas
    ...making them aware that they are alienating and losing tens of thousands of customers by way of their anti gun stance?

    Okay, here is the economics aspect of this. Businesses are not losing tens of thousands of customers here in Texas due to their 30.06 signs. They might be losing some customers and they might have the potential to lose 10s of 1000s, but they aren't losing 10s of 1000s of customers.

    First of all, the vast majority of CHL holders are not so vehement about their licenses. Hell, a bunch don't even bother going to the range between CHL renewals and a bunch don't even bother to carry most of the time.

    Few businesses have a market that includes 10s of 1000s of CHL holders. Those that do are most likely going to be chain stores. Even if you have a single store in Dallas or Houston where there might be more than 10,000 CHL holders, chances are it is only a fraction of those CHL holders that comprise your market, either due to geography, pricing, age, sex, or product offered.

    Let's look at some statistics to put this in a more relevant framework. As of 2007, there are 289,000 CHL holders in Texas. The population of Texas is roughly 23,508,000. Of those, roughly 1/3 are under the age of 21 (less, actually). So there are about 15,750,000 adults over the age of 21. So CHL holders comprise approximate 1.8% of the Texas population over the age of 21. So the potential customer base or business being lost is a maximum of 1.8% of the eligible population, but in reality, is just a tiny fraction of that number since only an tiny fraction of the CHL population is going to comprise the actual customer base for a store and care about the 30.06 sign issue.

    Bottom line? With less than 2% of the >21 population, CHL clout is limited.


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    Nov 14, 2008
    Please excuse my ignorance, i don't yet have my chl. Can someone post a pic or a link to an official 30.06 sign?
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