ATF jacked me up!!!!

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  • jgon281

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    Feb 15, 2009
    Sugar Land
    I went to the Austin gun show . A guy walks up to me and asked " How you been ?'' I looked at him crazy and said somthing like I am not from here . The guy then asked '' weren't you in the fed ?'' meaning the pen. I told him that I was never locked up at any point in my life. I walked on . I left hours later with 1000 rnds. of .223 that I purchased .I brought my 9mm along to look for a good holster for it . My gun still had the zip tie on it . I was dropped off /picked up by my friend because I knew the parking would be too crazy ... I was right . After getting food to go we were pulled over by three APD. We were given the " felon with a gun treatment'' . The APD was called by the ATF to detain me while they stood aside and looked on. I was cleared over an hour later . ATF said their ex-con snitch told them I was in the federal pen before and they jacked me up on this basis. I was free to go but I can't help but be pissed that they would violate my rights like that ... be aware the ATF is under cover at all gun shows if did not allready know this. I was wronged big time !!!


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    Mar 4, 2008
    They have been at the shop weekly.They take our record book,walk out,then come back hours later without telling us anything.I hope you got the agents names.You should contact a local news station and tell them your story.Glad they cleared you as I know people that have had to spend more than an hour clearing their names.Hope this does not keep you away from the gunshows.Make a complaint with IA against the APD officers who detained you so it will be on file.The APD were just doing their jobs but you need to make enough noise to let them know that you will not stand for having your rights violated.I would also search for a lawyer but I do not think you would get anything out of it.Did they apologize?I betcha they did not and were probably laughing while you waited to get cleared.


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    Mar 28, 2008
    Sorry you got the treatment. I think I'd really be considering lawyers and following this up with some kind of closure. I guess it would depend on the day for me how fired up I'd get about it. Media sounds good


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    May 28, 2008
    Ft Worth, TX
    I went to the Austin gun show . A guy walks up to me and asked " How you been ?'' I looked at him crazy and said somthing like I am not from here . The guy then asked '' weren't you in the fed ?'' meaning the pen. I told him that I was never locked up at any point in my life. I walked on . I left hours later with 1000 rnds. of .223 that I purchased .I brought my 9mm along to look for a good holster for it . My gun still had the zip tie on it . I was dropped off /picked up by my friend because I knew the parking would be too crazy ... I was right . After getting food to go we were pulled over by three APD. We were given the " felon with a gun treatment'' . The APD was called by the ATF to detain me while they stood aside and looked on. I was cleared over an hour later . ATF said their ex-con snitch told them I was in the federal pen before and they jacked me up on this basis. I was free to go but I can't help but be pissed that they would violate my rights like that ... be aware the ATF is under cover at all gun shows if did not allready know this. I was wronged big time !!!

    What reason did APD give for stopping you? What did they do during the stop? When and where was the gun show?

    The ATF can stop you on their own, they don't need a local to do it. I wonder why they would call in APD?


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    Dec 11, 2008
    Austin, TX
    I'm curious about all of investigator's questions and the snitch, think he just randomly pointed you out at the show, or gave them your name? think you might know who it is?


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    Feb 15, 2009
    Sugar Land
    The APD gave no reason other than ...

    they were called by ATF to stop and detain me while ATF looked on . This happened last Saturday at Austin gun show. I was detained and had to sit cuffed in a patrol car as well as my friend. He was in a seperate car and they kept asking him was he sure that I wasn't a felon . The guy was a total stranger and they just went on his false information.


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    May 28, 2008
    Ft Worth, TX
    they were called by ATF to stop and detain me while ATF looked on . This happened last Saturday at Austin gun show. I was detained and had to sit cuffed in a patrol car as well as my friend. He was in a seperate car and they kept asking him was he sure that I wasn't a felon . The guy was a total stranger and they just went on his false information.

    SInce you don't want to be specific I can't help you sort this out. However, I will say based on the limited info provided I have to think there is more to the story.


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    Feb 15, 2009
    Sugar Land
    I had a a full detailed message all ready to submit but the page went blank as soon a I was just about finished .. so here is my shortend version because I don't want it to just go blank again in the process. The officer said (((((I was stopped because the ATF asked them to do so))))) . I gave them permission to get my I.D. out of my pocket. They ran my name. Keep in mind the ATF did not even know me from any other stranger... no name or any other info . Nothing. The APD said after running my I.D. that there is a guy or several guys out there with the same name that are felons . One guy even has the same birthday as me. They did not question me as far as I can remember ,they just ran my I.D. We were in his vehicle and were stopped . How did ATF get my name initially you might ask ? They did not have any info. on me at all untill they got the info. from my drivers licence. please ask if you have any further question TXinvestigator


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    Mar 11, 2008
    DFW, North Texas
    What reason did APD give for stopping you? What did they do during the stop? When and where was the gun show?

    The ATF can stop you on their own, they don't need a local to do it. I wonder why they would call in APD?

    what else do you need to know tx investagator? I want advise so ask away

    He gave you something to start with. :D


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    Feb 15, 2009
    Sugar Land
    read the message above yours tx and see my response... as far as why the ATF didn't just pull me over themselves ? Good question ...I don't have the answer . They were in plain clothes . what other questions do you have ? did my message #6 not anwer your questions in #4?


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    So basically you were approached by a stranger that thought you were a felon, then this stranger told either an ATF agent or APD that you were in possession of a firearm. You were later pulled over, and had your name ran. You were then cleared and sent home.

    APD pulled you over on a tip-off.


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    Feb 15, 2009
    Sugar Land
    APD told me that ATF had them pull us over ... APD just did what ATF said to do... You (texas1911) kinda make it sound like ATF was justified by having a snitch just lie about him knowing me . My life was in danger while these cops had their guns pointed at me . I did nothing wrong .


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    May 29, 2017
    Austin, TX
    APD told me that ATF had them pull us over ... APD just did what ATF said to do... You (texas1911) kinda make it sound like ATF was justified by having a snitch just lie about him knowing me . My life was in danger while these cops had their guns pointed at me . I did nothing wrong .

    Actually I'm trying to understand your story. Under what grounds did this "snitch" identify you?


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    Jan 28, 2009
    Houston, Cy-Fair
    At least he didn't say you looked like you could be his father...

    Seriously, I'm not sure how much time and effort I'd put into filing a complaint. The fear of opening up Pandora's box and disrupting my life isn't appealing. It does cheese me off to no end to have someone with a badge, a gun, and a high school diploma thinking the have the right to be a bad American.

    Barney Fife would have handled this better.

    CZ guy

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    May 13, 2008
    Left of Galveston Bay
    After getting food to go we were pulled over by three APD. We were given the " felon with a gun treatment'' . The APD was called by the ATF to detain me while they stood aside and looked on.

    Austin PD had to stop you because ATF cannot unless they are in a marked unit and their agents are in uniform. I provided the initial stop for ATF, USDOT and FBI several times.

    Sorry to break the bads news but APD was evidently given the "felon with a gun" call and it sounds like they handled it EXACTLY as they should have. You can't fault them for doing their job safely and by the book; they are also not required to verify information before they act on behalf of another agency. The ATF should be brought to task if they instigated the incident on the word of a snitch though.


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    Apr 28, 2008
    Scary times. I have a feeling stories like this are going to become more rampant. Next we will have a "Civilian National Security Force" to deal with.

    "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." Barack Obama, July 2, 2008, Colorado Springs, CO.

    M. Sage

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    Jan 21, 2009
    San Antonio
    What reason did APD give for stopping you? What did they do during the stop? When and where was the gun show?

    The ATF can stop you on their own, they don't need a local to do it. I wonder why they would call in APD?

    For the sake of having uniformed police. I can tell you that I'm much less inclined to cooperate with someone in a jacket that says "ATF" and some flashing lights in a plain-jane car than I am with an officer in a uniform driving a cruiser.

    Not that I'll be terribly cooperative if they tell me that they pulled me over because some dude simply said to.
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